Friday, September 13, 2019

Riders vote for Saturday SunRail, but that's only half the answer

If SunRail could only run on one weekend day, SunRailRiders unanimously voted for Saturday.

That was the response to a recent poll we conducted on Facebook.

Nearly 400 riders responded to the question: “If SunRail could only run either Saturday or Sunday, which would you prefer?”

Of those respondents, 93 percent voted for Saturday.

Comments left by respondents included:
Dale: “Saturday would make the most sense. More businesses and events are on Saturday than Sunday.”
However, most of the comments were like this:
Lisa: “For the love of God, please do both.”
Ilene: “Here’s a thought – the WHOLE WEEKEND.”
Diane: “Why is both not an option?”

Support for weekend service is especially strong among people who work at Orlando International Airport; the service industry and hospital caregivers. (There are a half dozen hospitals that are either at SunRail stations, or very close the SunRail stops.)

In less than 2 years, the Florida Department of Transportation will transfer the financial and operational responsibility to local governments. That creates a huge opportunity to improve SunRail service.

We want to ensure that local elected leaders clearly understand the level of SunRail service this community expects and needs.

SunRail service that is available only on weekdays, with a schedule focused on bankers’ hours, has been a major disappointment to everyone. Thousands of people who want to use the train have never been able to ride because the service is not available on the weekends.

The people have spoken.

Are local-elected officials listening?

See you on The Rail.

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