Thursday, September 13, 2018

Stop the SunRail/Lynx ticket scammers

We hate it when slick people abuse the system, especially when their cheating shortchanges SunRail and Lynx.

The scam we heard about works like this: A person arrives at a SunRail station by car. Then they walk over to a waiting Lynx bus and ask the driver for a transfer.

As you probably know, Lynx riders get a free transfer to ride SunRail.
Then this scammer uses the transfer to swipe on the ticket-vending machine for a free SunRail ticket.

To those ticket scammers, we have three words: Knock it off!

Those scammers are cheating SunRail, Lynx and all the other riders who paid their hard-earned money to ride SunRail and Lynx.

Stolen pennies add up to dollars and dollars add up to thousands of dollars. Public transportation in Central Florida is woefully underfunded. They can’t afford the hit.

To the well-meaning bus drivers, we respectfully ask you not to give transfers to people who didn’t ride your bus.

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